Paradise Valley Unified School Districtposted about 2 months ago
Phoenix, AZ
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support

About the position

The job of Instructional Assistant- Special Education is done for the purpose/s of providing support to the instructional program with specific responsibility for assisting in the supervision, care and instruction of special needs students in the regular classroom, a self-contained classroom and/or with an individual student; assisting in implementing plans for instruction; monitoring student behavior during non-classroom time; and providing information to appropriate school personnel.


  • Adapts classroom activities, assignments and/or materials under the direction of the supervising teacher for the purpose of supporting and reinforcing classroom objectives.
  • Administers tests, homework, make-up work, etc. for the purpose of supporting teachers in the classroom.
  • Assists medically fragile, physically disabled, or developmentally delayed students for the purpose of maintaining students' personal hygiene and immediate healthcare needs.
  • Attends meetings and in-service presentations for the purpose of acquiring and/or conveying information relative to job functions.
  • Communicates with supervising instructional staff, professional support personnel, and parents for the purpose of assisting in evaluating progress and/or implementing IEP objectives.
  • Escorts students for the purpose of ensuring an efficient and safe arrival to and/or from destination.
  • Implements under the supervision of assigned teachers, behavioral plans designed by the IEP team for students with behavior disorders or other special conditions.
  • Intervenes in potential conflicts utilizing appropriate physical and/or therapeutic approaches for the purpose of diffusing confrontations and minimizing disruptions.
  • Documents instructional materials and/or manual and electronic files/records for the purpose of ensuring availability of items.
  • Models conversation, manners, clean up activities, listening, job skills, and everyday interactions for the purpose of demonstrating appropriate social behavior.
  • Monitors student's daily schedule and behavior plan for the purpose of maintaining a safe and positive learning environment.
  • Monitors students during assigned periods within a variety of school environments for the purpose of maintaining a safe and positive learning environment.
  • Performs general clerical functions for the purpose of supporting the instructional program.
  • Provides, under the supervision of assigned teacher, instruction to students in a variety of individual and group activities.
  • Remains with students at all times for the purpose of providing for the safety of students.
  • Responds to emergency situations for the purpose of resolving immediate safety concerns.


  • High school diploma or equivalent.
  • Job related experience is desired.
  • CPR Certificate.
  • First Aid Certificate.
  • QBS Certificate.
  • Criminal Background Clearance or Valid IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card.


  • ASRS
  • Paid Sick/Personal Time
  • Medical and optional Dental/Vision
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