As a key member of the Convergix Automation Solutions team, you will engage with customers through the requirements definition process, generating concepts, developing cost estimates, and presenting proposals. Your role will involve creating a defined proposal that clarifies all customer requirements and interacting with sales and management teams to ensure technical alignment. You will present concepts to customers, emphasizing competitive advantages, and assist the internal proposal design team and processes. Additionally, you will document technical requirements, project risks, and oversee project plans and change procedures. Participation in technical advisory roles may also be required, along with ensuring effective handoff to operations for ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting. You will follow a standardized quoting process and create standardized presentations, including capture plans and executive reviews. Tools used in this role include proposal templates, cost worksheets, CAD tools for concept approaches, compliance matrices, and FAT/SAT criteria. Opportunities for enhancing proposals through collaboration with technical writers and dedicated simulation/CAD resources will also be available. You will leverage cross-business expertise and experience via a knowledge-sharing platform, capturing reference machines, and utilizing SharePoint/MS Teams or other online software packages.