The College of Engineering is the largest of Cal Poly's six colleges with eight academic departments and one academic program that offers 14 Bachelor of Science degrees, 11 Masters of Science degrees, and 6 blended/joint bachelor's and master's degree programs. The College also includes College Development and Communications, and the Engineering Student Affairs area, which includes the Advising Center, Outreach, Multicultural Engineering Program (MEP), International Programs, and the Women's Engineering Program (WEP). The College currently educates over 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students and admission is extremely competitive. The College is recognized as one of the premier undergraduate engineering programs in the nation for its hands-on project and design-based learning environment. The College operates under the leadership of the Dean of the College of Engineering, and a management staff consisting of associate and assistant deans, department chairs, and program directors. The College employs approximately 61 staff, 86 lecturers, and 134 tenured/tenure track faculty.