The University of Nevada, Las Vegas invites applications for Postdoctoral Scholar of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) [R0145136]. We are seeking a motivated postdoc to join the Zhivagui Lab. Our lab uses computational and experimental methods to determine mechanism-based biomarkers for exposure and risk stratification to advance the understanding of cancer causation and tumorigenesis. The Zhivagui Lab focuses on cancer genomics for cancer prevention. The incumbent will perform cellular and molecular lab work for projects investigating genomic and epigenomic alterations linked to cancer mechanisms, with a focus on biomarker discovery and validation. We are specifically looking for a postdoc to spearhead experimental projects at the intersection of cancer genomics and experimental modelling. The postdoc will apply and optimize new approaches for NGS library preparation and analyze genomic data for variant calling. We value diversity of backgrounds in our team and seek candidates who can commit to a multiyear appointment, reviewed annually.