U.S. News & World Report is a multifaceted digital media company dedicated to helping citizens, consumers, business leaders, and policy officials make important decisions in their lives. We publish independent reporting, rankings, data journalism, and advice that has earned the trust of our readers and users for nearly 90 years. Our platforms on usnews.com include Education, Health, Money, Travel, Cars, News, and 360 Reviews. We reach more than 40 million people monthly during moments when they are most in need of expert advice and motivated to act on that advice directly on our platforms. Our signature franchises include our “Best” series of consumer guides on colleges, graduate schools, hospitals, diets, cars, financial services, and more. These guides provide an easy-to-digest list for consumers to better understand and compare when making their decisions. We continue to publish annual guides of the authoritative Best Colleges and Best Hospitals rankings on our website and in print. And our U.S. News Live flagship conferences highlight important national conversations including Healthcare of Tomorrow and Healthiest Communities. In this position, you will use your strengths and skills to create consumer-oriented rankings and reviews content for our autos vertical. Your work will help readers make smart decisions when it's time to buy a new or used car, or shop for the best car deals. Our rankings and reviews content includes vehicle profiles, ranking lists, vehicle incentives information, and other content aimed at helping readers make an informed buying decision. This content generally excludes articles and slideshows. You will write SEO-optimized new and used vehicle reviews, which are based on internal scores and research, safety and reliability data, fuel economy information, and manufacturer-provided specifications. You should be a self-starter with strong writing skills, and you should be comfortable working both individually and in a small team environment. The ability to own and maintain multiple assignments while working on a deadline is important. You should be comfortable distilling technical information into consumer-friendly content that is easy to read and understand.