Amazon's Perfect Order Experience team works to ensure that buyers receive authentic products in the condition and with the functionality they are expecting. We design and implement policies, tools, and technology innovations to protect the buying experience on Amazon. Our greatest challenge is protecting buyer trust without unjustly harming good selling partners. To strike the right balance, we invest in mechanisms which allow us to accurately identify and mitigate risk, and to quickly correct and learn from our mistakes. This strategy includes continuously evolving enforcement policies, iterating our Machine Learning risk models, and exercising high-judgement decision-making where we cannot apply automation. As a successful candidate you will have the opportunity to participate in risk assessments of new products and services, as well of our existing processes and systems. You will identify opportunities to improve our processes and controls to mitigate risk and improve operational performance. You will also contribute to the development of risk mechanisms to help the business identify and evaluate internal/external risks, and help define the technology, processes, and control improvements required to mitigate them. You will work with business, operations, and technology teams to help them manage risks to their business, while influencing the broader risk culture across Amazon's Perfect Order Experience organization. You will also engage with stakeholders across the company, including other specialized fraud, risk, compliance, and legal functions. This position supports a global organization and is an exciting opportunity to be a part of a dynamic and high paced environment. You must be comfortable with balancing strategic thinking with tactical, detailed execution while working independently, sorting through ambiguously defined problems, identifying and facing big challenges and adjusting to sudden and frequent change. The right candidate is someone who thinks big, understands risks and enjoys innovating brand new controls/solutions to mitigate risks.
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