Are you ready to step into a position that combines your communication skills, attention to detail, ability to multitask, and unrelenting drive to help patients? If you've worked in Pharmacy Operations before, this role is different - you'll take your knowledge and expand it beyond your belief. Take a break from a retail environment, enjoy a set schedule, and enjoy the satisfaction of helping others! The Front-End Pharmacy Technician functions involve responsibility to perform data entry or other pharmacy queue work, typical of a registered pharmacy technician. In this role, you will be a superstar in the eyes of providers and patients. You will need to pay attention to detail as you translate prescriptions from the prescriber and enter information in the patient's profile in accordance with state regulations. Being a team player is essential; you will work with pharmacists per work instructions, policy and procedures, management direction or any national or state regulations. You'll start with training, but you're not doing it alone. You'll enjoy a supportive environment with your peers and other teams who want you to succeed. Additionally, you will ensure quality assurance, report adverse events, and assist with prescriber and patient outreach.