Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) is a community-based diversion approach with the goals of improving public safety, and reducing unnecessary justice system involvement of people who participate in the program. In a LEAD program, law enforcement officers exercise discretionary authority at point of contact to divert individuals to a community-based, harm-reduction intervention for law violations driven by unmet behavioral health needs. There are certain core principles to LEAD that are essential to achieve transformative outcomes. These include LEAD's harm reduction/Housing First framework, which requires a focus on individual and community wellness, rather than an exclusive focus on sobriety; and police officers and sergeant involvement as meaningful and positive meaningful partners in program design and operations. The People Concern's LEAD Team Case Manager will perform a variety of tasks to assist justice-involved homeless individuals in being diverted before arrest into an intensive case management strategy. The Case Manager will work closely with each individual to develop individualized service plans, embracing harm reduction, housing first and trauma informed approaches.