Probation officers provide casework services to probationers at the direction of the Superior Court under the provisions of evidence-based practices and consistent with the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration. The duties of a probation officer include supervising the caseloads of assigned probationers, meeting with probationers in their homes or at their places of school/work, conducting interviews and social or pre-disposition investigations, evaluating probationers' progress, performing searches, and making arrests. Because probationers under Court supervision may include convicted felons, felony adjudicated delinquents, and/or persons with domestic violence convictions/adjudications, these job duties expose the probation officers to a risk of being assaulted by probationers, family members and others in proximity to the probationers. As a result, the probation officer position is designated as a safety-sensitive position in accordance with ACJA § 6-106(A) and ACJA § 6-107(A). All probation officers must demonstrate, by proficiency testing, competency and understanding of the physical and verbal techniques and tactics presented at the defensive tactics training academy.