The City of Menlo Park is currently accepting applications for police academy graduates that are motivated, well-trained professionals who can meet the challenge of a fast paced, multi-tasking law enforcement environment. The Menlo Park Police department is an operation in which the line patrol officers enjoy communicating and building relationships with individuals within the community. We embrace a true community connection and commitment with participants on all sides. Rather than designating certain officers to focus on solving community problems, Menlo Park will charge all police personnel with proactive community policing responsibilities. We ask our officers to seek innovative solutions to local problems, respond to citizen complaints of violations and provide excellent customer service. A small agency, such as the Menlo Park Police Department, will enable you to attain a breadth of experience and exposure through which to advance your career in numerous ways. We are seeking individuals who are enticed by our vision and will bring high energy, innovation, self-motivation and passion to their chosen profession. The City of Menlo Park recognizes the value of continuing education and increased knowledge acquired through personal and professional development of its' workforce and allows employees to further their education goals. Accordingly, the City is committed to providing support for learning opportunities that directly and indirectly assist employees in achieving their personal and professional learning goals. Additionally, major thoroughfares coursing through our fully developed community make traffic management a vital duty of all patrol officers. Overall, the department has strong opportunities for specialty assignments, including: K9, investigations, narcotics enforcement, and SWAT / HNT. Patrol teams enjoy a rotating 4/12 plan or a fixed 4/10 schedule in specialty assignments. The City realizes the diversity of the community and therefore upon approval, the City pays officers a bilingual stipend. Our officers continually strive to be the best and achieve high standards; they receive a 5% incentive for achieving their Intermediate POST certificate and 10% incentive for achieving their advanced certificate. The City has new desktop and laptop computers in place for employees. The City already has Crime Analysis and Traffic Analysis software systems in place. A new handheld citations system for traffic has recently been launched. The City also implemented a citywide GIS system, document imaging system, and Intranet, which are available to all staff members. Additionally, we have placed laptops in all patrol cars in order to facilitate timely report writing and response to calls for service.