We are seeking experienced User Experience Researchers to join our Human Factors team in the following locations - New York City, Phoenix, Seattle, and Denver. This is a unique opportunity for an entrepreneurial, highly driven person with a well-rounded skill set to join the Human Factors team, whose responsibilities extend beyond those of traditional Human Factors professionals. The ideal person for this role will need to have not only a strong grasp of, and experience with, UX research, but also be flexible and a strategic thinker able to take on a variety of tasks, including project management and client lead development. You should be able to perform these tasks somewhat autonomously and with little need for guidance. The Human Factors team performs a variety of studies related to product use-related health, safety, usability, and user experience, by bringing to bear methodologies from basic science, such as eye tracking, physiological data recording, or motion capture. You will help in operationalizing client needs as empirical research questions, designing bespoke studies around those research questions, collecting data from participants using a wealth of custom-tailored methodologies, analyzing data in creative ways, and translating the results back into actionable outcomes for our clients. Because of the centrality of successful human-machine interaction to the safety of users and other stakeholders, your work may also entail working up litigation matters related to alleged product defects and, eventually, testifying as an expert witness. As a consultant, your experiences will be as varied and diverse as the products and services out there, possibly spanning automotive, medical, pharma, consumer electronics, appliances, heavy machinery, child products, and extended reality products.