30 High-Paying Skills To Learn in 2024

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May 31, 2024
Edited by
Camille Trent
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min read

3 key takeaways

  • High-paying skills increase your earning potential and make you a more in-demand candidate.
  • Many high-paying skills are in tech, but other industries like healthcare and law also have high-paying careers.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder can help you make a resume that shows off high-paying skills.

Learning the right high-paying skills could put you on a career path that increases your earning potential by tens of thousands of dollars a year. Not only that, but many of these skills are also highly in demand by employers, making you a sought-after professional.

The bad news? Relying on a resume that worked ten years ago just won't cut it for these lucrative jobs, especially if you’re pivoting from another career path. The good news? Teal's AI-powered Resume Builder is here to help you identify and showcase the high-paying skills that will land you your dream job. With our Resume Skills Management tool, you can easily show off the high-paying skills that will get you hired.

Showcase your high-paying skills and boost your earning potential. Build a free resume with Teal's AI Resume Builder.

What are high-paying skills?

High-paying skills are those that are in high demand by employers and command a premium salary. These skills are often technical, such as proficiency in programming languages or data analysis, or industry-specific, like healthcare knowledge or expertise in specialized marketing strategies.

These skills are valuable assets that organizations need to succeed, so employers are willing to pay highly competitive rates. From engineering to medical diagnostics, having certain highly valuable skills can make you a more in-demand candidate in any job market.

You can highlight skills in your resume both within your work experience bullet points and a dedicated resume skills section to show off your knowledge to potential employers.

Beyond technical and hard skills, having the right soft skills like leadership, negotiation, and other communication skills can also advance your career.

High paying skills on a resume
Showcase all of your skills in one dedicated section.

High-paying skills to learn

You might be wondering, “What’s the best high income skill to start learning?” Learning the right skills can be very lucrative for your career, and which one (or ones) you choose depends on personal preferences, passions, interests, and natural abilities.

Are you handy with numbers and data, or do you prefer creative and artistic endeavors? Do you enjoy skills that let you build relationships?

We compiled a list of the top highest paying skills to learn that will set you up for success in the future along with average total pay per year in the United States according to sites like ZipRecruiter and Glassdoor.

Pro tip: Use Teal’s Resume Skill Management feature to highlight skills you want to emphasize.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing entire industries. From automating tasks to uncovering hidden patterns in data, these skills empower companies to make smarter decisions, optimize operations, and gain an edge over competitors.

Reasons to learn AI

  • The field of AI and machine learning is constantly evolving, making the work intellectually stimulating and highly engaging.
  • AI has the potential to work on some of the world's most pressing challenges, from medical advancements to environmental issues.
  • The demand for AI and machine learning specialists is skyrocketing, leading to exciting careers with high potential for growth.

Related jobs

  • AI engineer
  • Machine learning engineer

Average machine learning engineer salary: $128,000 per year for a machine learning engineer

Software engineering

Software engineers are the builders behind the applications, websites, and systems that power our digital world. They design, develop, test, and maintain software programs, ensuring they function as intended.

Reasons to learn software engineering

  • The tech industry is always evolving, ideal for professionals who enjoy learning and keeping up with new technologies.
  • Building software has a real-world impact. Whether it's developing tools for the workplace, improving communication methods, or creating educational tools, the work can make a positive difference.
  • Software engineers are in high demand across industries, leading to competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and strong job security.

Related jobs

  • Software engineer
  • Software developer
  • Full stack developer

Average software engineer salary: $147,000 per year for a software engineer

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is about helping businesses navigate changing technology with the scalability and cost-efficiency of cloud platforms. Cloud architects, cloud engineers, and DevOps engineers design, build, and manage cloud-based applications and systems, allowing businesses to adapt and scale their IT infrastructure efficiently.

Reasons to learn cloud computing

  • Cloud expertise opens doors to various exciting careers, from cloud architect and cloud security engineer to cloud developer and DevOps engineer.
  • Cloud computing is at the forefront of technological innovation, ideal for those with a strong interest in technology and the future.
  • As more businesses migrate to the cloud, cloud computing knowledge will remain relevant and valuable in the evolving job market.

Related jobs

  • Cloud architect
  • Cloud engineer
  • Cloud developer
  • DevOps engineer

Average cloud architect salary: $147,000 per year for a cloud architect

Information security and cybersecurity

Information security is a broad field concerned with protecting information, regardless of format or location. Cybersecurity is a specific area that deals with protecting information systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.

Reasons to learn cybersecurity

  • As reliance on digital information and systems grows, so does the need for skilled professionals to safeguard it.
  • Recent labor statistics project a 32% job growth rate for information security professionals by 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
  • Security skills can protect companies from financial losses and reputational damage, which is why the salaries are high.

Related jobs

  • Cyber security analyst
  • Information security analyst
  • Cybersecurity architect

Average cybersecurity salary: $99,000 per year for a cybersecurity analyst


Legal professionals play a vital role in upholding the law and advocating for justice for their clients. With a deep understanding of legal principles and procedures, they can specialize in various areas like corporate law, criminal law, family law, or intellectual property law.

Reasons to learn law

  • The legal field offers a unique blend of intellectual challenge, social impact, and professional prestige.
  • Having legal skills allows someone to analyze complex legal situations, identify solutions, and navigate legal challenges strategically.
  • Lawyers typically have high earning potential because of their many years of professional education and ability to represent clients through complex legal issues.

Related jobs

  • Attorney
  • Lawyer
  • Legal counsel

Average lawyer salary: $100,000 per year for a lawyer

Medical diagnostics

Medical diagnostics plays an important role in healthcare, using tests and procedures to diagnose and assess medical conditions. This can involve performing laboratory tests, analyzing medical images, or interpreting patient data. The ability to accurately diagnose illnesses helps provide patients with the appropriate treatment.

Reasons to learn medical diagnostics

  • Medical diagnostics professionals help understand a patient's condition, leading to accurate diagnoses and improved patient outcomes.
  • The field of medical diagnostics offers a wide range of specialties to choose from, ranging from microbiology, radiology, pathology, and beyond.
  • Medical diagnostics is in high demand due to the growing emphasis on preventative care and early disease detection.

Related jobs

  • Radiologist
  • Pathologist
  • Medical laboratory scientist

Average pathologist salary: $249,000 per year for a pathologist


Similar to medical diagnostics, sonography or ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed pictures of organs, tissues, and blood flow within the human body. With additional training, sonographers can specialize in specific areas like obstetrics, cardiology, or vascular sonography.

Reasons to learn sonography

  • Sonography is a rapidly growing skill and rewarding healthcare profession, constantly evolving with the development of new ultrasound techniques and applications.
  • Individuals can tailor their career path to their specific interests and work within a variety of healthcare settings such as hospitals, clinics, or private practices.
  • With a growing emphasis on non-invasive diagnostic procedures, sonographers are in high demand.

Related jobs

  • Ultrasound technician
  • Sonographer

Average sonographer salary: $110,000 per year for a sonographer


Pharmacists are medication experts who make sure patients receive the right medications at the correct dosage. They play a key role in the healthcare system by dispensing medications, providing medication consultations, and monitoring drug interactions. Their in-depth knowledge of medicine and patient care is critical for prescription safety and effectiveness.

Reasons to learn pharmacy

  • At its core, pharmacy is a helping profession. By developing pharmacy skills, an individual gains the ability to directly impact patient care and well-being.
  • Pharmacy skills are in demand due to advancements in medicine creating the need to keep up with new drug discoveries and healthcare treatments.
  • With an aging population and increasing reliance on medications, pharmacists can command competitive salaries.

Related jobs

  • Pharmacist
  • Clinical pharmacist
  • Pharmacy manager

Average pharmacist salary: $126,000 per year for a pharmacist

Construction management

Construction management is the art of overseeing the entire lifecycle of a construction project, from conception to completion. Construction managers wear many hats, acting as planners, organizers, problem-solvers, and leaders to ensure a project is delivered on time, within budget, and according to specifications.

Reasons to learn construction management

  • Construction management skills can be applied to a wide range of projects, from residential construction to commercial buildings, bridges, and roads.
  • The construction industry is becoming more eco-conscious. As a construction manager, an individual can be at the forefront of implementing sustainable building practices.
  • This skill is in high demand due to ongoing infrastructure projects and a growing construction industry.

Related jobs

  • Construction manager
  • Construction project manager

Average construction management salary: $95,000 per year for a construction manager

Dental hygiene

Dental hygiene involves conducting oral exams to assess patients, performing professional teeth cleanings, and educating patients on proper oral hygiene techniques. It is a fulfilling career path for those passionate about oral health and helping others.

Reasons to learn dental hygiene

  • For those looking to make a difference, dental hygiene lets someone interact with patients daily, build rapport, and provide personalized oral care advice.
  • Compared to other healthcare professions, dental hygiene requires a relatively short training period, offering qualifications through associate degree programs or diploma programs.
  • Many dental hygiene positions offer flexible work schedules, allowing someone to create a suitable work-life balance.

Related job: Dental hygienist

Average dental hygienist salary: $87,000 per year for a dental hygienist

Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering is an emerging skill in the field of AI, focused on crafting effective prompts to guide large language models (like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude) toward generating desired outputs like code, written content, video scripts, emails, sales outreach, AI art, and more.

Reasons to learn prompt engineering

  • Prompt engineering allows someone to automate repetitive tasks and generate different types of creative at scale, a skill that can be used in personal and professional settings.
  • The field of prompt engineering is constantly evolving alongside advancements in AI technology, meaning this area is ideal for curious and motivated learners.
  • As AI continues to evolve and more companies incorporate AI into their workflows, prompt engineering will be a skill that commands high salaries and puts individuals on the cutting edge.

Related jobs

  • AI prompt engineer
  • AI researcher
  • NLP engineer

Average prompt engineer job: $111,000 per year for an AI prompt engineer

If you’re interested in how to show off skills like this as a job seeker, check out this list of 100+ hard skills for your resume.

High-paying skills without a degree

Don’t have a degree in a high-paying field like engineering, law, or medicine? No problem! There are plenty of high income skills you can learn without needing to major in it or go back to school.

Whether you’re getting started in your career, pivoting jobs, or trying to advance, Teal’s Resume Skills Management feature can help show off the most relevant skills needed for each job posting.

With Matching Mode in the Resume Builder, you can choose a job description and get automatic recommendations about what keywords and skills you should add to optimize your resume.


Sales is about driving revenue for a business by convincing customers to purchase goods or services. It involves everything from building relationships with potential customers to understanding their needs, presenting products or services as solutions, and closing deals.

Reasons to learn sales

  • Learning sales skills equips someone with the resilience and persistence to handle rejection well, a valuable ability in any challenging situation.
  • Sales is a rewarding skill for individuals who enjoy building relationships, have a go-getter attitude, and have strong interpersonal skills.
  • In traditional sales roles, commissions and bonuses supplement base salaries, leading to a high earning potential.

Related jobs

  • Sales development representative
  • Business development representative
  • Account executive

Average account executive salary: $79,000 per year for an account executive (can be higher with commissions)

Executive assistance

Executive assistance is a skill set that requires exceptional organization and time management to keep an upper-level or C-suite executive's schedule in order. It involves managing communication, coordinating projects, and keeping everything on track from travel arrangements to administrative tasks.

Reasons to learn executive assistance

  • Executive assistance skills open doors to exciting career opportunities. You could transition into project management, event planning, and beyond.
  • Executive assistants are privy to confidential information and witness company decision-making firsthand. This exposure provides valuable insights into business operations and leadership strategies.
  • This can be a well-paid skill for highly organized and detail-oriented individuals, especially in fast-paced industries.

Related job: Executive assistant

Average account executive salary: $72,000 per year for an executive assistant (can reach six figures in certain industries)

Real estate

Having real estate expertise involves knowing about real estate markets, sales, negotiation, and client relationship management. Real estate agents help individuals buy or sell their real estate, from residential to commercial properties.

Reasons to learn real estate

  • Learning real estate skills hones the ability to negotiate deals, handle clients, and navigate complex transactions, all of which are valuable skills in any business setting.
  • For many, buying a home is a significant life milestone. By working in real estate, individuals have the opportunity to help people in the buying or selling process toward their dream property.
  • Earnings fluctuate heavily with the overall real estate market and economy, but during strong markets, real estate can be an extremely lucrative skill that teaches sales and taking initiative.

Related jobs

  • Real estate agent
  • Real estate broker

Average real estate agent salary: $85,000 per year for a real estate agent (earnings are commission-based and vary widely)

High-paying skills to learn at home

Who says you can’t learn new career skills from home? The following skills offer the flexibility to learn from home on your own schedule.

There are many different ways to learn skills at home, from HubSpot certifications in marketing to Google Career Certificates or even YouTube videos.


Copywriting is about crafting persuasive and engaging written content for marketing and advertising purposes. This skill involves understanding target audiences, tailoring messaging, and applying strong writing skills and creative thinking to achieve marketing goals. A successful copywriter can communicate brand messages and drive conversions with compelling calls to action.

Reasons to learn copywriting

  • Copywriting skills equip people with the ability to write persuasive and engaging marketing messages.
  • By learning the psychology of consumers, copywriting lets individuals craft copy that resonates with target audiences, drives desired actions, and ultimately converts leads into customers.
  • Because great copywriting leads to higher sales and conversions, it can be an in-demand and well-paid skill to develop.

Related jobs

  • Copywriter
  • Advertising copywriter

Average copywriter salary: $76,000 per year for a copywriter

Digital marketing

Digital marketing goes beyond trending videos and advertisements. It's the strategic use of online channels to connect with audiences, build brand awareness, and achieve marketing goals for a company. Digital marketing professionals have a diverse set of skills ranging from SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing.

Reasons to learn digital marketing

  • Digital marketing is a vast field with many different specialties and paths to align with every interest, whether someone leans more creative or more analytical.
  • Digital marketing is constantly changing with new tools, platforms, and strategies, an ideal fit for those looking for a fast-paced career.
  • Effective digital marketing campaigns can significantly impact businesses. Marketing roles, especially ones that contribute to increased revenue, are in demand and pay well.

Related jobs

  • Digital marketing manager
  • Marketing specialist

Average digital marketing manager salary: $87,000 per year for a digital marketing manager

Data analysis

Data analytics skills are important for extracting insights from massive datasets. Data scientists, business intelligence analysts, and data analysts can uncover patterns, trends, and customer preferences that inform data-driven business strategies.

Reasons to learn data analytics

  • Data analysis hones critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, allowing someone to tackle complex challenges with a data-centric approach.
  • Data analysis skills can contribute to solving real-world problems and making a positive impact on businesses and organizations.
  • Analytics skills are generally highly valued by companies, especially when working on any data that involves finances or revenue.

Related jobs

  • Data analyst
  • Business intelligence analyst

Average data analyst salary: $82,000 per year for a data analyst

Project management

Project management is the skill of planning, organizing, and executing projects to achieve specific goals within defined constraints of time, budget, and resources.  Project managers oversee the entire project lifecycle, from initiating and planning to executing, monitoring, and closing the project.

Reasons to learn project management

  • Project management skills are valuable beyond traditional roles and can be applied to a wide variety of career paths, providing flexibility with the skillset.
  • By learning project management, individuals improve their leadership skills, learn to motivate teams, delegate tasks effectively, and create a more collaborative work environment.
  • Project managers are in high demand across various industries, from construction and engineering to software development and marketing campaigns.

Related jobs

  • Project manager
  • Program manager
  • Construction project manager

Average project management salary: $102,000 for a project manager

High-paying digital marketing skills

Digital marketing as a career offers a broad range of options, ranging from the creative side to the more analytic and data-driven. Learning marketing allows you to either work for someone else or freelance with your new in demand skills.

Social media management

Social media uses storytelling and community building on social media platforms to achieve marketing and brand awareness goals. This involves creating compelling content, coming up with new ideas almost constantly, managing online brand reputation, and building an online community. Social media managers who can drive measurable results win with this skill either as a freelancer or in a full-time role.

Reasons to learn social media management

  • Social media is constantly changing, so anyone looking for a fast-paced, exciting, and creative career could thrive in a social media role.
  • Social media skills can not only be applied in a marketing job but also in building a personal brand or creating a side hustle. This skill provides a lot of flexibility.
  • More businesses are recognizing the importance of having a social media presence, so these roles are in high demand both within large companies and working with small businesses.

Related jobs

  • Social media manager
  • Community manager
  • Social media strategist

Average social media director salary: $94,000 per year for a social media director

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of creating optimized website content to rank well in search engines. This involves keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and technical SEO strategies. SEO specialists are the technical wizards behind the scenes, making sure websites are crawlable, indexable, and relevant to user search queries.

Reasons to learn SEO

  • Having search engine optimization skills means being able to rank webpages highly in search (without paying for ads), useful both within a marketing role as well as for getting traffic to personal websites.
  • Individuals with an interest in balancing both creative and technical sides would enjoy search engine optimization.
  • The ability of SEOs to drive organic traffic, a valuable source of leads and conversions, explains the high salaries for SEO managers who can achieve top rankings for competitive keywords.

Related jobs

  • SEO specialist
  • SEO analyst
  • SEO manager

Average SEO manager salary: $86,000 per year for an SEO manager

Paid ads management

Paid ads management involves creating, managing, and optimizing advertising campaigns across various online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, and beyond. This skill requires a deep understanding of targeting options, bidding strategies, ad copywriting, and campaign analytics. Paid ads managers are data-driven strategists who generate leads, drive conversions, and maximize return on ad spend for businesses.

Reasons to learn paid ads

  • Paid advertising allows individuals to reach a wider audience faster than relying on organic reach alone.
  • Advertising is both a creative and numbers-driven skill, making it a fit for anyone interested in combining both sides.
  • Skilled paid ads managers are in high demand, especially as some social media platforms move to more of a pay-to-play business model.

Related jobs

  • Paid ads manager
  • PPC specialist
  • Performance marketing specialist

Average paid ads manager salary: $88,000 per year for a paid ads manager

Marketing automation

Marketing automation is about using software to streamline marketing tasks and workflows. The tools allow someone to automate marketing tasks like sending emails or text messages to customers and nurturing leads. Common software includes Salesforce and Hubspot.

Reasons to learn marketing automation

  • According to Polaris, the marketing automation market is expected to reach $13.71 billion by 2030, making it a lucrative opportunity.
  • Marketing automation software creates more data-driven marketing, giving people numbers to back up marketing decisions and a competitive edge with their skills.
  • The ability to improve marketing efficiency makes marketing automation a valuable and in-demand skill.

Related jobs

  • Marketing automation manager
  • Hubspot specialist
  • Salesforce specialist

Average marketing automation manager salary: $101,000 per year for a marketing automation manager

Marketing analytics

Marketing analytics involves tracking, analyzing, and interpreting data from marketing campaigns to measure their performance and identify areas for improvement. This skill requires expertise in using analytics tools and dashboards to create insightful reports that help businesses understand customer behavior and campaign effectiveness and optimize their overall marketing strategy. Marketing analysts turn data into actionable insights to improve conversions and sales.

Reasons to learn marketing analytics

  • Understanding key metrics and interpreting data insights can inform marketing decisions and lead to more successful strategies.
  • Marketing analytics is at the intersection of data analytics and marketing, another ideal skill for those looking to combine creativity with numbers.
  • Marketing analytics skills are valuable across various industries, from agencies to e-commerce businesses and software companies.

Related jobs

  • Marketing analyst
  • Web analytics specialist

Average marketing analytics salary: $77,000 per year for a marketing analyst

Market research

Market research is the art of gathering and analyzing information about a target market and its needs. It involves understanding customer demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors. Through surveys, focus groups, and data analysis, market research helps businesses identify opportunities, develop effective marketing strategies, and ultimately make data-driven decisions to achieve their goals.

Reasons to learn market research skills

  • For anyone who enjoys research, market research skills offer a way to drive the direction and marketing strategies within a business while digging into consumer psychology.
  • Market research is always evolving with new strategies and technology, so it’s a good fit for people who enjoy continual learning.
  • Market research skills empower businesses to make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience, and as a result, pays well.

Related jobs

  • Market research analyst
  • Marketing researcher

Average marketing researcher salary: $118,000 per year for a marketing researcher

High-paying skills for freelancers

Freelancing can be lucrative as a side hustle or full-time gig. Here are some of the top-paying freelancer skills:

UI/UX design

UI/UX design combines visual appeal (UI) with user-centric thinking (UX) to create interfaces that are not only beautiful but also functional and enjoyable to use. By understanding both aesthetics and usability, skilled UI/UX designers can craft products that drive user engagement, improve brand perception, and lead to stronger conversions and user engagement.

Reasons to learn UI/UX design

  • UI/UX design is a rewarding yet challenging skill that lets people think critically and creatively to solve design and usability challenges.
  • Businesses both large and small need websites, making this a highly flexible skill that can be applied to a wide variety of industries.
  • UI/UX design can be a lucrative skill either in a full-time role or as a freelancer.

Related jobs

  • UI designer
  • UX designer
  • UX researcher
  • Web designer

Average UI/UX designer salary: $106,000 per year for a UX designer

Graphic design

Graphic design is the art of visual communication, using elements like images, text, and layout to create ideas and experiences. It's about combining creative thinking with technical skills to communicate messages in a visually appealing and effective way. Graphic designers work on a wide range of projects, from designing logos and branding materials to creating infographics or social media graphics.

Reasons to learn graphic design

  • Graphic design is a useful skill to know for everything from designing social media graphics for a business to creating personal event invitations.
  • Learning typography, color theory, imagery, and layout helps create compelling visual communication for a variety of businesses or even nonprofits.
  • For those who enjoy teamwork, graphic designers often collaborate with other creative professionals like copywriters and marketers and enjoy high pay especially when leading a team of creatives.

Related jobs

  • Graphic designer
  • Design director
  • Creative director

Average design director salary: $135,000 per year for a design director

Mobile app development

Mobile app development is about building the software that powers smartphone and tablet applications. This involves translating design concepts into code, making sure an app functions smoothly, integrates seamlessly with devices, and provides a positive user experience.

Reasons to learn mobile app development

  • Mobile app development offers the satisfaction of witnessing creations being used by potentially thousands if not millions of people.
  • For anyone interested in creating games, mobile app development is a way to bring game ideas to life.
  • Mobile app developers are in high demand as reliance on mobile apps continues to grow, making it a lucrative freelance skill for those with programming expertise.

Related jobs

  • Mobile app developer
  • iOS developer
  • Android developer

Average mobile app developer salary: $110,000 per year for a mobile app developer

Technical writing

Technical writing is the art of translating complex technical information into clear, concise, and instruction-oriented content for a specific audience. Freelance technical writers can create user manuals, software documentation, or any written material that explains technical concepts or helps users navigate a product or system.

Reasons to learn technical writing

  • Technical writing, as the name suggests, is an ideal subset of writing for anyone who enjoys writing and wants to work in tech or a similar field.
  • Technical writing allows someone to flex their technical expertise while helping make users’ lives easier.
  • The ability to clearly communicate complicated technical knowledge makes this skill valuable to various companies, from software to manufacturing and healthcare.

Related jobs

  • Technical writer
  • Software documentation writer

Average technical writing salary: $81,000 per year for a technical writer

Voice acting & narration

Voice acting is the art of using voice to bring characters to life in various media, including animation, video games, audiobooks, commercials, software demos, and more. Successful voice actors can embody different personalities through vocal techniques, inflections, and emotional expression, drawing audiences into a narrative.

Reasons to learn voice acting

  • Anyone who loves acting but wants to stay behind the scenes would enjoy learning the skill of voice acting.
  • Voice acting allows someone to flex their acting chops, vocal control, and ability to create unique voice characters all at the same time.
  • With the popularity of audiobooks and YouTube videos, voice acting and narration are highly needed skills, resulting in diverse career options.

Related jobs

  • Voice actor
  • Character voice actor
  • Narrator

Average voice actor salary: $100,000 for a voice actor (varies widely if freelancing)

Video editing

Video editing is about creating compelling visual content for various purposes, including marketing videos, explainer videos, social media content, and film or television productions. This skill can involve video editing techniques or the ability to add visual effects and create motion graphics. The ability to edit footage, create animations, and craft a cohesive visual narrative is essential for these roles.

Reasons to learn video editing

  • For anyone who ever dreamed of being a filmmaker, video editing is the perfect skill to learn.
  • Individuals can create high-quality content for social media platforms, YouTube channels, or even corporate presentations, meaning there's a lot of flexibility for career paths.
  • The rise of online video content on multiple platforms means video editing is a very in-demand skill.

Related jobs

  • Video editor
  • Motion graphics designer

Average video editor salary: $76,000 per year for a motion graphics designer

How to add high-paying skills to your resume

When you’re ready to update your resume, Teal makes it easy to add relevant skills to show off your new abilities and knowledge. Here’s how:

Step 1: First, sign up for Teal and navigate to the Resume Builder section. From here, you can import an existing resume or your LinkedIn profile or start a new resume from scratch.

Step 2: To add your skills, head to the Skills section at the bottom of the Preview tab. In this section, you'll add new skills or categories of skills.

Step 3: If you have a particular job in mind that you want to use to optimize your resume, save it to your Job Tracker. Then, go to Matching Mode in the Resume Builder.

Step 4: Next, choose a job from your Job Tracker. Teal will automatically compare your resume to that specific job and give you a score for how well your skills and experience align.

With a Teal membership, you'll see the top five hard skills you should add to your resume to better match the JD. With Teal+, you'll get unlimited hard skills and soft skills to help you align your resume even more closely with the job description.

Step 5: As you add skills and keywords, your Match Score will increase. Aim for a score of at least 60 percent to best show companies that you’re a good fit for the role.

Get a job with your high-paying skills

High-paying skills across various fields, from AI and machine learning to cybersecurity and UX design, are becoming the key to advancing in your career and generating financial security. But having these skills in the first place is only the beginning—you also have to communicate them the right way to future employers on your resume.

With Teal’s Resume Skills Management feature, you can showcase key skills on your resume and even use Matching Mode to list important skills based on a job posting you choose.

If you want to start optimizing your resume and getting more interviews, get started with Teal today for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

What job skill pays the most?

Naming one job skill that pays the most is tricky because factors like experience, industry, and professional licensure all play a role. However, expertise in areas like engineering, AI, law, and medicine generally pay top salaries due to high demand and the specialized knowledge needed.

What is the highest-paying IT skill?

Within IT, cloud architects, AI/machine learning engineers, and cybersecurity architects are some of the top earners, typically earning at least six figures.

Which skill is easy to learn but pays you a lot?

Easy is subjective, but there are some high-paying skills that don’t require formal education or an advanced degree. Digital marketing, copywriting, sales, and project management are examples of skills you can teach yourself that pay well.

Katie Harp

Katie is a digital marketer and writer. When she's not working, she enjoys trivia and board games, watching cat videos, and is learning programming for fun.

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