How To Use Claude AI To Write a Cover Letter (Fast)

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July 23, 2024
Edited by
Camille Trent
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3 key takeaways

  • Claude is an AI advanced language model that can help you with job application tasks like resume or cover letter generation
  • There are several steps and best practices you should know when using AI in your job search
  • The AI Resume Builder integrates AI with an all-in-one platform to create and manage all of your job application materials—including cover letters

Cover letters used to be the worst. You had to start from scratch for each application, tailor your pitch to every company, ensure it matched the job description, and tweak the formatting endlessly. But AI changes all that.

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have shifted the painstaking process of writing a unique letter for every job into an efficient process by pulling from the content of your career experiences and the JD to quickly tailor each one.

Claude, an AI chatbot assistant, can help speed up the cover letter writing process—helping you move through each application faster.

Below, you'll learn what Claude is and how it can help one of the most tedious parts of your job search. You'll also get step-by-step instructions on how to write a Claude AI cover letter, the best prompts for getting it right, and a faster way to create personalized, impactful, and compelling cover letters.

Struggling to write tailored cover letters for every job? Try Teal's Cover Letter Generator to write your letter in seconds with AI.

What is Claude AI?

Claude AI is an advanced language model developed by Anthropic. The most up-to-date version is Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Claude is designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, including writing, analysis, and problem-solving. In the context of job applications, Much like using a tool like ChatGPT for job applications, Claude can help streamline the creation of resumes and cover letters. You can also use Claude to optimize LinkedIn and for other job search tasks like interview prep.

A visual of how to write a Claude AI cover letter
Use Claude to speed up time-consuming job search tasks like cover letter writing

Unlike traditional AI chatbots, Claude has a sophisticated understanding of context and can generate human-like text based on the information you input.

Can I use Claude to write my cover letter?

Much like you can use other AI tools like Google Gemini or ChatGPT for cover letters, you can use Claude to write an effective cover letter. That said, there are a few pros and cons you should know before y‍ou jump in.

Pros for writing a Claude cover letter

  • Time-saving: Reduces the time spent creating customized cover letters
  • Job alignment: Helps tailor your cover letter to specific job descriptions
  • Strength identification: Assists in identifying and articulating relevant strengths
  • Content generation: Provides a solid starting point for cover letters, which you can then refine
  • Language optimization: Suggests more impactful ways to phrase your experiences

Cons for writing a Claude cover letter

  • Tool fragmentation: Requires switching between Claude and other tools (like Teal or LinkedIn) to gather details from your resume and job descriptions
  • Manual data transfer: Involves manual copying and pasting of information to and from Claude into other platforms
  • Increased error risk: Lacks integrated tools for storing resumes or job descriptions, potentially leading to more mistakes or missed details
  • Process inefficiency: Absence of integrated features results in additional manual work

How to Use Claude to write your cover letter

Now that you know a bit more about Claude and you're ready to write a compelling cover letter with AI, here's how you do it:

Step 1: Sign up for Claude

Sign up for Claude on Using Claude is free, but for priority bandwidth and access to Claude 3 Opus and Claude 3 Haiku, the pro plan is $20/month.

Step 2: Gather the right info

Three key blueprints are the foundation of a great AI-generated cover letter:

  • Your resume
  • A job description
  • Your prompts

While you'll learn prompting in the next section, remember even the most advanced AI can only work with the information you provide. Preparing your resume using a tool like Teal or even creating a Claude AI resume and having a copy of the job description are crucial first steps.

Once you have these two pieces ready, it's time to write your cover letter.

Pro Tip: Want to store your resume in the same place you save every JD? Teal's AI Resume Builder integrates with a Job Tracker. With Teal, you can save as many resumes (and jobs) as needed, so you never have to hop between files, folders, and platforms to gather your job search assets.

Teal's all-in-one tools
Manage your entire job search—including cover letters—on one platform.

Step 3: Write a cover letter with Claude:

  1. Open a new chat with Claude.
  2. Explain that you're writing a cover letter for a specific job and need assistance using a prompt like:

    "Using non-dramatic language, write a 200-300 word cover letter for the position of [title] at [company] based on my resume tailored to the job description below. Please focus on [specific area of focus or achievements you want to highlight]." [Press "Shift" + "Enter" and paste your resume and the job description under the prompt.] Then click the red arrow to the right of the prompt.
  3. Review and refine by carefully reading through the AI-generated content. Check for accuracy and relevance.
  4. Edit and personalize the wording to better reflect your style. Be sure to add specific details or metrics that Claude might have missed
  5. Verify that all information is truthful. Proofread the output and ensure the information aligns with the job you're applying for.

A better way to write your cover letter with AI

Want to use AI to write your cover letter without the extra steps?

The Teal AI Resume Builder can help you create high-quality cover letters for every application without toggling between tools or platforms.

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator pulls details from your resume and any job description to create a custom cover letter. You can specify the tone and length, as well as attach a specific job description and create a custom prompt—all in the same place you write your resume and manage your job search.

Best Claude prompts for cover letters

The key to unlocking AI's potential is in your prompts. Prompts are the third and final blueprint for AI cover letter creation—the clearer and more detailed Claude AI prompts are, the better your cover letter content. Below are some examples you can use to get started.

Examples of cover letter prompts

  • "Write a conversational 300-word cover letter for a job application as a [position] at [company] using my resume and the job description below as a reference. Please focus on my skills in [relevant skills]."
  • "Draft a persuasive cover letter in 250 words or less highlighting my qualifications and enthusiasm for the [position] at [company] using my resume and the job description below."
  • "Create a compelling cover letter that explains why I am the best fit for the [position] at [company]. Write the cover letter using the StoryBrand Framework. Please provide me with three versions."
  • "I want you to act as an AI cover letter assistant. Compose a professional cover letter demonstrating how my abilities and experience align with the requirements for the [position] at [company] using my resume and the job description below as a guide."
  • "Write a non-dramatic cover letter for a [title] position at [company], highlighting my [X] years of experience in [specialty or industry] and my success in [specific accomplishments with metrics]. Please use my resume and the job description below as a guide."

5 tips for Claude AI prompts

To maximize Claude's effectiveness in writing a tailored cover letter, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Be specific: The more detailed your input, the better the results. Instead of asking for a generic cover letter, provide details about the job, company, your resume, and any key qualifications you want to focus on.
  2. Provide relevant assets: To get the best output, AI needs the right details. Share your resume, the job description, and any other pertinent information about the company or role. This could include the company's mission statement, recent news, or specific job qualifications mentioned in the job posting.
  3. Review and edit outputs: While Claude is capable, it's crucial to review any output. Check for factual accuracy, tone, and alignment with your personal brand. If you notice areas for improvement, provide specific feedback to Claude. For instance, "The second paragraph is great, but can you make the opening more attention-grabbing?"
  4. Use positive language: Frame your prompts and feedback in a positive, constructive manner. Instead of saying, "Don't make it sound robotic," try "Please make the tone more conversational and engaging."
  5. Proofread for errors: While Claude has strong language skills, it's necessary to do a final proofread yourself. Look for any typos, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing that might have slipped through. Pay special attention to names, dates, and specific claims about your experience.

3 Claude cover letter hacks

Instead of struggling with traditional writing, these Claude cover letter hacks can help make AI even more valuable during the job application process.

Hack #1: Integrate company culture seamlessly

Ask Claude to analyze the company's website and social media for values and cultural elements. Then, request that it incorporate these insights naturally into your cover letter—aligning your personal brand with the company's ethos.

Hack #2: Generate attention-grabbing opening lines

Prompt Claude to create multiple unique opening lines based on your background and the job description.

Hack #3: Create a storytelling framework

Ask Claude to outline a storytelling framework for your cover letter. (For example, a CAR method framework). Provide key points about your experiences, challenges, and achievements, and direct AI to organize these into a narrative for your cover letter.

A claude AI cover letter tip hack
Use the CAR method to frame your AI cover letter

Should you use Claude to write your cover letter?

Yes, it is okay to use Claude AI (or other AI tools) to write cover letters if you follow the directives above and provide the right details. However, it's important to approach AI strategically, understanding its strengths and limitations in the context of job applications.

Incorporating Claude or even ChatGPT for cover letter creation, resume writing, and other parts of your job application process can be beneficial, but AI should be a tool, not a replacement for you. You have to balance cover letter and even resume automation with a human touch. Always review and refine AI-generated content to ensure it accurately represents you and addresses the specific job requirements.

When it comes to which tool to use, there are a few options you can consider:

Claude vs ChatGPT

Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT-4o are both capable of writing cover letters. Claude excels with detailed instructions, making it ideal for tailoring letters to specific job requirements. Its ability to maintain context can help create multiple cover letters in one chat.

ChatGPT, conversely, offers flexibility in generating various writing styles. It adapts well to different cover letter formats, from traditional to more creative approaches.

Claude vs Google Gemini

Gemini and Claude each bring unique strengths to cover letter writing. You can write a Google Gemini resume, but where Gemini really shines is with real-time data processing—giving you an edge in incorporating current company information. This feature might help you craft more relevant, up-to-date content.

Claude's Sonnet, however, is a better writer. This could be a game-changer when creating more human-like cover letters with fewer edits.

Claude vs Teal

Claude offers a versatile AI experience applicable to cover letter writing and beyond. It provides a blank canvas for creative freedom when crafting your letters.

Teal AI Resume Builder, on the other hand, is laser-focused on job application documents. Its specialized approach means features are specifically designed for creating cover letters that complement your resume and each unique job. All in all? Teal offers a more structured, job-search-oriented experience.

Teal's cover letter generator
Create a cover letter from your resume and a job description with Teal.

While Claude's flexibility might appeal to some, Teal's targeted approach is more efficient for those who want to focus on job applications without hopping between platforms, tools, or folders.

Write your cover letter faster with Teal

If you're looking for a faster way to write a cover letter, standalone tools like Gemini, ChatGPT, and Claude can help.

But if you'd rather save time (and risk fewer errors), Teal is an all-in-one resume creator with AI Cover Letter Generation that can help you write personalized cover letters without toggling between platforms and tools.

Ready to write cover letters in less time?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I ask Claude to improve my cover letter?

Ask Claude AI to improve your cover letter by starting a new chat and providing specific instructions. Use a prompt like: "Using the job description and my resume below, improve my cover letter for the position of [title] at [company]. Focus on improving the language and ensure it aligns with the job requirements." Then, paste your cover letter, resume, and the job description under the prompt.

How do I get Claude to write my cover letter?

To get Claude to write your cover letter, gather your resume and the job description. Open a new chat with Claude AI and use a detailed prompt such as: "Write a 200-300 word cover letter for the position of [title] at [company], focusing on my skills in [relevant skills]." Provide your resume and job description for accurate and tailored content.

Can employers tell that Claude generated my cover letter?

Employers typically cannot tell that Claude AI generated your cover letter if you review and refine the content. Ensure the final version is personalized, accurate, and reflects your unique voice and experiences.

Kayte Grady

Kayte, Senior Copywriter at Teal and Champion of ADHD professionals, is a seasoned writer passionate about storytelling and career growth. With a data-driven approach to content marketing and a word-nerd knack for resume builder analysis, Kayte’s on a mission to empower job seekers to land a job they love. Constantly pivoting and reinventing herself, this social-worker-turned-marketer found growth and camaraderie in tech—a genuine surprise given her never-ending devotion to the paper calendar.

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