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Motivation Letter: What It Is & How to Write One [+ Samples]

February 26, 2025
Edited by
Camille Trent
min read

3 key takeaways

  • Motivation letters are distinct from cover letters because of their audience, context, and purpose.
  • Your letter of motivation is a persuasive document that explains your genuine interest for university admissions or volunteer positions.
  • You can use Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator to generate cover letters that can be worked into motivational letters based on your resume

Whether you're applying for a graduate program, research opportunity, or an internship, an effective motivation letter is your golden ticket to standing out. Unlike a cover letter, which focuses on your qualifications, a motivation letter delves into your passion, interests, and the reasons behind your application.

In this article, you’ll learn the differences between motivation and cover letters and can follow a step-by-step guide to craft a compelling motivation letter. You'll also learn how to write one in a few minutes using AI. By the end, you'll have all the tools you need to write a persuasive letter that captures your reader’s attention and helps prove you are the perfect candidate.

Struggling to land interviews? Use Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator to write an effective letter in minutes.

What is a motivation letter?

A motivation letter, or motivational letter, is an application document that discusses who you are and why you want to join a program or mission. It’s used when your motives are more important than your credentials. For instance, motivation letters are often used when applying for bachelor's degree programs, where addressing future goals and academic background is crucial.

When to use a motivation letter vs a cover letter

The application directions will clearly state when a letter of motivation is required. Cover letters and motivation letters are required in certain applications but are used in different contexts. Motivation letters are more common in academia to explain your interest in a specific institution, program, or professor. It’s similar to a letter of interest, but it’s a response to a request instead of a cold message.

On the other hand, a cover letter is submitted for a job application. It describes how you are qualified for the position. While it may mention your motivations, they aren't the focus. If you’re not sure what kind of letter to submit with your resume, default to a short cover letter.

Venn diagram comparing application letters
Motivation letters differ from cover letters in length and audience.

When to write a motivation letter

Motivation letters fulfill a very specific purpose. When the application directions specify submitting a letter of motivation, you must write one to be considered.

A motivation letter is submitted alongside a CV or resume, so the audience knows your experience. When you submit your materials via email, write a quick job application email that specifies you attached your requested motivation letter. This will keep you from being disqualified.

Situations that require a motivational letter

  • Graduate student programs for master’s degrees or PhDs, including programs in political science
  • Postgraduate research opportunities
  • Internships
  • Volunteer position
  • International education or study abroad programs
  • Scholarship applications
  • Job applications

In the United States, the most common circumstance requiring a letter of motivation is a postgraduate program application. Students write a motivation letter to convey how their academic experiences and interests align with a university’s specialty.

While a hiring manager can request motivational letters, cover letters usually serve the purpose better. However, a motivation letter for a job might be better if you don’t have a lot of professional experience or formal education. When in doubt, check the application guidelines.

How to write a motivation letter

Have your resume and the application accessible. Refer to the request for precisely what you must include. You can’t submit the same document twice as it’s highly personalized for a particular purpose.

For example, including experiences in various digital marketing channels can significantly enhance your application to a marketing program, showcasing your versatility and expertise. Internships at startups often provide broad exposure to most digital marketing channels, which can be a valuable asset in your career development.

How to start a motivation letter

Use a business letter format and the same heading as your resume or CV. It should include your name, contact information, and headline. Below your heading, include your recipient's name, title, company or institution, and address. 

Your introduction

For your introduction, use the professional title and name if you know it, e.g. Dear Mr. Brown. You can otherwise use “To Whom It May Concern” or “the [department] admissions committee.” Introduce yourself and state why you are writing. Don’t bury the lede. Include the name of the program and the school or organization. 

Finish off your introductory section with a version of your resume’s professional summary. A professional summary already mentions your main qualifications, years of experience, career highlights, and key skills. Use this highly relevant information to introduce yourself. 

Motivation letter sample introduction

“I’m writing this letter to express my strong desire to join the Thornton International Exchange Program at USC Thornton School of Music to study at the Royal Northern College of Music. As a current student in the vocal arts and opera undergraduate program, I am eager to further expand my musical horizons through immersive international experiences.”

Your interest in this program

Answer why you are applying to this program. Think about what drew you to it, what excited you as you researched, and what prompted you to start an application. Write specific examples of what interests you.

Motivation letter sample interest paragraph

“I am particularly drawn to Le Cordon Bleu’s esteemed reputation and comprehensive culinary programs, and I am confident that the institution's commitment to excellence aligns with my own dedication to mastering the art of cooking. The opportunity to learn from industry professionals and gain hands-on experience in a vibrant culinary environment is an exciting prospect for me.”

Your background

Keep this portion recent and relevant. Communicate your key points such as qualifications, degrees, or significant coursework. 

Motivation letter sample background paragraph

“My academic background, which includes ensemble, music theory and ear training, global perspectives courses, and private lessons, has provided me with a solid foundation to thrive in an international exchange program. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of bringing a fresh perspective to the program and contributing to the vibrant community at USC Thornton School of Music.”

Your story

Not the story of your life—the story that ties together your motivation and background. State it simply in one to three sentences. This is especially important if your background is not an intuitive stepping stone to the opportunity. Not everyone can incorporate a story, so when done correctly, you stand out from  other candidates.

Motivation letter sample stories

Sample story 1

“Despite my academic background in computer science and research, my true passion lies in cooking. I approach culinary creation with the same measured hypotheses and repeated experimentation that I apply in my academic pursuits. This unique combination of analytical education and culinary innovation fuels my dream of becoming a food scientist who develops recipes that bring joy to everyone who tastes them.”

Sample story 2

“As a sophomore, I had the opportunity to participate in a study abroad program, broadening my understanding of global issues and gaining invaluable international experience. This experience has not only enriched my worldview but also deepened my appreciation for the diverse cultural influences on music. I'd like to continue that education through this international exchange opportunity.”

How to end a motivation letter

Summarize your main points in one or two sentences. Reiterate your enthusiasm. Thank the reader for their time and consideration. 

Motivation letter sample conclusion

“I am eager to further discuss how my background, passion for music, and international aspirations align with the goals of the Thornton International Exchange Program. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to, and learning from, the global music community through this esteemed program.”


The sign-off should be formal and respectful.

Motivation letter sample signature


[Your Full Name]


[Your Name]

Thank you,

[Your Name]

How to structure a motivation letter

The main difference between cover and motivational letters is the audience: business hiring teams versus admission committees.

The second difference is the length. Motivation letters are more formulaic, and you must ensure you address everything requested. Cover letters are short, one page maximum. A motivation letter may need two or three pages to satisfy the requirements.

Tips for formatting a motivation letter

Here’s how to format motivation letters:

  • Use business letter format
  • Maintain a formal and professional tone
  • Match your resume’s design for the heading, font, and margins
  • Use multiple paragraphs, not one block of text

Once you’re satisfied with your result, save your letter as a PDF or Word doc.

How to write a motivation letter with AI

If you need help getting started, Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator is one of the few AI tools specifically built for creating effective cover (and motivation) letters.

Here are the tweaks you’ll make to create a motivation letter instead of a cover letter:

  • Upload the instructions from the program application for any job requirements 
  • Add this as a job in Teal’s Job Tracker with some edits. Change the job title to “prospective student,” “PhD candidate,” or “volunteer.” 
  • Save when you’re done.

Choose the application instructions by selecting the job you uploaded. Adjust the Cover Letter AI Settings:

Length: Long, 300 - 400 words 

A cover letter can be up to 400 words, while motivation letters can be longer
Choose from three different motivation or cover letter lengths in Teal

Tone: Formal

Teal's Cover Letter AI settings
Teal offered three tone options in its AI Cover Letter Generator: Match Job Description, Formal, and Casual

Job description: Check all the requirements and responsibilities you want to address in the letter

A screenshot of Teal's Cover Letter Job feature after the job description has been imported
Teal imports job responsibilities from the job description into its AI Cover Letter Generator

Your Custom Prompt: Add any additional details you want to address in the letter

Add a custom prompt to Teal's cover letter generator to add details
Teal lets you add a custom prompt to further tailor your AI cover letter

Think of this as your first draft. Teal’s AI Cover Letter Generator will combine your resume’s experience with the application, but with a business slant instead of an academic one. Pay attention to these areas:

  • Word count
  • Inauthentic statements
  • Job-related words like “hire,” “position,” or “manager” 

Adjust your letter as needed. Your result should meet the requirements of a motivation letter, but you can add more information if you’d like. As with any AI content, you should also give it an accuracy pass and a personalization pass. Is it true to you?

Common mistakes to avoid when writing a motivation letter

Preparing an important application is stressful. You might be balancing your studies, finals, and other applications so it’s easy to lose track of the details. In this case, though, the details really matter. 

Your main concern is having a custom motivation letter for each application. The best letters are highly specific to both the opportunity and you. People ask for motivational letters when they need to know about your motivation to consider your application. 

Avoid these common mistakes:

  • Submitting a generic letter that isn’t tailored to the application
  • Failing to align your motivation letter to your goal
  • Forgetting to include your genuine motivations

Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator can help you avoid forgetting important details from your resume or the application, so you can submit with confidence.

Teal's cover letter generator uses AI to pull information from your resume and job description
Teal uses important keywords and details from the job description to generate a cover letter with AI

How to align your motivation letter with job descriptions

Your letter will only briefly explain your background, but it’s important to include any prerequisites there. For example, a PhD program will require a bachelor’s degree and a certain number of hours of training or research. Having a bachelor's degree is crucial for certain programs, as it sets the foundation for your future academic and career goals. An exchange program often requires a certain level of language proficiency. Ensure the requirements are easy to find in your letter and on your resume.

To succeed, tailor your resume and motivational letter with requirements and related keywords. Teal’s Resume Matching Mode can help you identify the best keywords in the program or job description. Make sure those keywords appear on your resume as well.

Teal's resume match score and keyword analysis
Teal’s Matching Mode recommends the most relevant keywords from the Job Description

How to make your motivation letters engaging and relevant

You won’t engage your reader's attention if you simply state facts. To compel your audience, you want to write about what motivates you. Although this is formal writing, you must talk about yourself, your experiences, and how they relate to your application. Make it personable.

Motivation letter examples

Now that you understand the steps to creating a motivation letter, with and within AI, it's time to put it all together. Here are a few examples of well written and formatted letters to get you started.

Sample: foreign exchange academic program

This letter addresses the student's purpose, current status, and motivation—all in the first paragraph. They then make a compelling case for why they want to pursue the exchange program, and why they're an ideal candidate.

Example of a letter from a prospective student for an international exchange program
International exchange student motivation letter example created with Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator

Sample: culinary educational program

Like the previous letter, this one gets right to the point in the first paragraph. Next, they call attention to specific research and analytic skills they would bring to the table. They close by painting a picture of what this opportunity means to them.

Sample letter for a culinary student application
Culinary student motivation letter example created with Teal's AI Cover Letter Generator

Create a motivational letter with Teal

A great motivation letter will help you earn more opportunities, but requires attention to the application details. Teal’s AI Resume Builder can assist in generating cover letters that can be adapted into motivational letters by uploading application instructions and customizing the letter to reflect personal motivations and relevant experiences. Sign up for Teal today to make your best motivation letter yet.

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Caitlin Proctor Huston

Caitlin Proctor Huston

Caitlin is a career advisor and certified professional resume writer who has been quoted in Business Insider, Fortune, Forbes, and The Muse on topics related to remote work and landing the right job.

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