How To Use the PAR Method in Your Resume (+ Examples)

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July 16, 2024
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3 key takeaways

  • The PAR method helps you articulate your accomplishments clearly and concisely on your resume.
  • Use specific, quantifiable results to make your PAR statements more impactful.
  • Teal's free AI resume builder can help you write metric-rich achievements in seconds.

Listing your past jobs responsibilities won't grab a hiring manager's attention. You need to highlight your specific actions, showcase your accomplishments, and quantify the impact you made.

Often used to respond to job interview questions effectively, the PAR method—Problem, Action, Result—can also turn your resume from a laundry list to a compelling story about problem-solving, initiative, and results.

This article will teach you how to use the PAR formula in your resume, provide practical examples, and share methods and tips to help you land your dream job by applying PAR in other parts of the job search.

Having trouble writing and formatting your resume? Try Teal's free resume creator.

What is the PAR method?

PAR stands for Problem, Action, Result. This method is used to showcase professional achievements, demonstrating your ability to identify issues, take initiative, and deliver tangible results.

The PAR format can help you better prepare for answering behavioral interview questions so you can achieve the positive outcomes you're looking for.
The PAR format can help you prepare for interview questions and structure resume achievements.

Why the PAR method is effective

The PAR format provides several benefits when used on your resume:

  • Legitimizes your experience with concrete numbers and metrics.
  • Shows your ability to handle challenges and deliver positive outcomes.
  • Clearly illustrates your contributions, helping employers envision your value.

How to implement PAR in your resume

  1. Identify relevant accomplishments
  • Review your work history
  • List challenges you've faced and overcome.
  • Focus on achievements that align with the job.
  1. Craft your PAR statements

Describe the problem: Be concise but provide enough context.

  • Example: "Faced declining customer satisfaction scores due to long response times."

Detail your action: Use strong action verbs and be specific about the outcome of your steps.

  • Example: "Implemented a new ticketing system and developed a knowledge base."

Highlight the result: Quantify achievements using numbers, percentages, or time frames.

  • Example: "Reduced average response time by 40% and improved customer satisfaction scores from 3.2 to 4.7 within three months."
  1. Creatively apply the PAR formula

Effectively implementing the PAR formula means clearly articulating each element—Problem, Action, Result—but you can vary the order for readability and impact. Use strong action verbs and quantify results to craft compelling statements that demonstrate your value.

Problem Action Result (PAR) resume examples

[Problem] [Action] [Result]: Faced declining sales in a key market region. Developed a targeted sales strategy, revamped the sales pitch, and conducted personalized outreach to high-potential clients, resulting in a 40% increase in regional sales and exceeding quarterly targets by 15%.
[Action] [Result] [Problem]: Developed a targeted sales strategy, revamped the sales pitch, and conducted personalized outreach to high-potential clients, achieving a 40% increase in regional sales, exceeding quarterly targets by 15%, and revitalizing sales in a declining market.
[Result] [Action] [Problem]: Achieved a 40% increase in regional sales and exceeded quarterly targets by 15% by developing a targeted sales strategy, revamping the sales pitch, and conducting personalized outreach to high-potential clients, leading to revitalization of sales in a previously declining market region.

Tailor PAR statements to different resume sections

To make your resume as impactful as possible, you need to tailor your PAR statements to different sections of your resume. Here’s how you can use Teal to tailor each section effectively:

Work experience

1. List your previous responsibilities: Start by listing all tasks, responsibilities, solutions, recognition, and achievements from your past jobs. Use LinkedIn, performance reviews, and meeting notes.

2. Compare your list to the job description: Match your resume closely with the job description. Use Teal’s Matching Mode to attach a job description and identify relevant skills and keywords.

Teal Matching Mode finds keywords in the job description
Teal's Matching Mode surfaces the most important keywords from a job description to include in your resume.

3. Describe the problem: Ask yourself what challenges or issues were present in your organization or team. Pro tip: You can use Teal's AI to draft resume achievements.

4. Determine your action: Focus your story on the specific steps you took to address the problem. Teal’s AI can suggest powerful action verbs and help you create impactful statements.

5. Define and quantify your results: Emphasize the outcomes of your actions with quantifiable results. Teal’s AI will generate multiple bullet point options for you to choose from.

Example: Streamlined inventory management process, reducing stockouts by 30% and increasing overall efficiency by 25%.


1. Identify significant projects: List major projects with measurable impact.

2. Use Teal’s AI to draft PAR statements: Attach the job description and use Teal’s AI to generate tailored project descriptions.

3. Quantify the results: Include numbers or percentages to highlight the impact.

Example: Developed a mobile app, resulting in 5,000 meals donated to shelters in six months.

Volunteer work

1. List your volunteer experiences: Include all relevant volunteer work that demonstrates your skills and contributions.

2. Create PAR statements using Teal’s AI: Use Teal to generate statements aligning with the job description and highlighting your impact.

3. Quantify your contributions: Show tangible results with specific numbers or percentages.

Example: Organized a cleanup initiative, mobilizing 200 volunteers and removing two tons of litter from parks.

PAR format examples for different industries

Nearly all industries appreciate results-driven responses or resume achievements, but some are easier to understand how to apply the formula than others. Here are a few examples of how to apply the PAR formula across various industries:

Technology sector

Software developer: Identified performance bottlenecks. Refactored critical components and optimized database queries, resulting in a 60% reduction in page load times and a 25% increase in user engagement.

IT project manager: Led a team facing project delays and budget overruns. Implemented agile methodologies, delivering the project two weeks ahead of the deadline and 10% under budget.

Finance and business

Financial analyst: Discovered discrepancies in financial reporting. Developed new data validation procedures, improving forecast accuracy by 30% and saving $2M in misallocated resources.

Marketing manager: Faced declining engagement rates. Developed a content strategy, increasing engagement by 150% and follower base by 40% in six months.


Nurse practitioner: Noticed preventable readmissions. Designed a follow-up program, reducing readmission rates by 35% and improving patient satisfaction by 28%.

Hospital administrator: Confronted rising operational costs. Led a process improvement initiative, reducing wait times by 20% and saving $1.5M annually.


Teacher: Observed low student engagement in STEM. Developed an interactive curriculum, increasing test scores by 40% and students pursuing STEM majors by 25%.

School counselor: Recognized lack of mental health resources. Established a peer support program, decreasing stress levels by 30% and improving school climate by 20%.

Avoid common mistakes when using the PAR method

Implementing PAR requires precision to make your resume shine. Here’s how to dodge common pitfalls and craft compelling, tailored PAR statements.

Be specific

Vague statements dilute impact. Be precise.

Vague: "Improved customer service processes."
Specific: "Redesigned customer service workflow, reducing average call handling time by three minutes and boosting customer satisfaction by 22%."

Focus on accomplishments, not duties

Show achievements, not just responsibilities.

Job Duty: "Responsible for managing social media accounts."
Accomplishment: "Grew social media following by 200% and increased engagement rates by 75% through targeted content strategies and influencer partnerships."

Quantify results

Numbers and metrics make your achievements credible and impactful.

Unquantified: "Increased sales through new marketing initiatives."
Quantified: "Launched targeted email marketing campaign, generating $500K in new revenue within the first quarter, a 30% overall sales increase."

For tricky-to-quantify results, use ranges, percentages, or comparative statements:

  • "Consistently rated in the top 5% of customer satisfaction scores among a team of 50 representatives."
  • "Cut project completion time by approximately 20-25% through process improvements."

Tailor your PAR statements for each application

  1. Analyze the job description: Pinpoint key skills and requirements.
  2. Prioritize relevant accomplishments: Highlight accomplishments that align with the role.
  3. Adjust language and focus: Match your statements to the company's culture and values.

Use advanced PAR techniques

Once you’ve nailed the basics, elevate your resume with these advanced strategies:

Combine multiple PAR statements

Merge related resume achievements into comprehensive PAR statements.

Example: "Tackled declining market share and customer retention. Led a company-wide initiative to improve product quality and customer experience. Implemented a new quality control process, revamped the customer feedback system, and introduced a loyalty program. Result: 15% increase in market share, 30% boost in customer retention, and 25% rise in repeat purchases within 18 months."

Highlight soft skills with PAR

Showcase soft skills through concrete examples:

  • Leadership: "Addressed low team morale affecting productivity. Initiated weekly team-building activities and a peer recognition program, increasing employee satisfaction by 40% and project completion rates by 20%."
  • Communication: "Solved miscommunication issues between departments causing project delays. Established cross-functional meetings and a centralized communication platform, cutting delays by 50% and enhancing interdepartmental collaboration by 35%."

Incorporate PAR into your LinkedIn profile

Adapt PAR statements for LinkedIn:

  • Highlight a standout PAR statement that encapsulates your professional brand.
  • Lead with strong PAR statements to grab attention.
  • Make PAR statements scannable with bullet points.

Apply the PAR method to your interview responses

When prepping for job interviews, structure your answers to behavioral questions using the PAR method. Identify common behavioral interview questions used in your field and practice responses with the PAR format. This ensures clear, concise, and impactful answers that showcase your problem-solving skills and achievements.

How to create a PAR resume with AI

Crafting effective PAR statements can be challenging, but Teal's tools can simplify the process.

1. Start your resume: Use Teal’s AI Resume Builder to begin creating your resume. Simply upload an existing resume, import your LinkedIn profile, or start from scratch.

2. Attach a job description: Navigate to the “Matching” tab in Teal and attach a job description from your Job Tracker or create a new job. Teal will analyze the job description and suggest relevant skills and keywords to include.

3. Generate PAR statements: In your Work Experience section, click “add an achievement” and then “write with AI.” Teal will automatically generate three bullet point options that incorporate the PAR method for you to choose from and edit.

4. Customize your statements: Use Teal’s AI to refine and tailor your PAR statements to match the job description, ensuring your resume is relevant and impactful.

Before and after PAR example

Without PAR: Assisted customer base with inquiries and resolved issues.
With PAR: Implemented a streamlined ticketing system, reducing response times by 30% and increasing customer satisfaction by 25% within three months.

Elevate your resume with the PAR method

The PAR method showcases your achievements and helps you stand out. Focus on specific, quantifiable accomplishments, tailor your statements to different roles, and avoid common pitfalls. Mastering the art of the PAR method will create a resume that highlights your value to potential employers.

Remember these key points:

  1. Use specific, quantifiable results to make your PAR statements more impactful.
  2. Tailor your PAR statements to each job application for maximum relevance.
  3. Avoid vague language and focus on concrete achievements rather than job duties.
  4. Utilize advanced techniques like combining PAR statements and showcasing soft skills to further enhance your resume.

With practice and attention to detail, you can master the PAR method and create a resume that effectively communicates your professional value and helps you land your dream job.

Take your resume to the next level with Teal's Resume Builder. Our platform helps you craft compelling PAR statements and tailor your resume to specific job opportunities, giving you a competitive edge in your job search. Sign up now and start building a resume that gets results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many PAR statements should you include in your resume?

Aim for two to three strong PAR statements per role. Focus on your most impressive and relevant accomplishments.

Can you use the PAR method if you're a recent graduate with limited work experience?

Absolutely! Highlight accomplishments from internships, academic projects, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities. Focus on transferable skills and impactful results that relate to your career path.

How can you use the PAR method for career changes?

Emphasize transferable skills and accomplishments that align with your target industry. Highlight results that demonstrate confidence, adaptability, problem-solving, and relevant skills that translate across different fields.

Should you use the exact PAR format (Problem-Action-Result) in your resume bullets?

Structure your accomplishments using PAR, but don't explicitly label each part. Craft concise, flowing statements that naturally incorporate all three elements, keeping your resume readable and professional while showcasing and describing your achievements effectively.

How are STAR and PAR different?

The STAR method includes an additional step (Task) to clarify your specific role and responsibility within the context of the Situation. The STAR method also replaces Problem with Situation. In contrast, PAR is more concise, focusing directly on the Problem, Action, and Result, which can be more suitable for resumes and quick responses.

Dave Fano

Founder and CEO of Teal, Dave is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience building products & services to help people leverage technology and achieve more with less.

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the career dream.