CV Maker

Build & Design a CV for Free

The smarter, faster way to create a tailored CV that positions you as the best person for the job.

Customize your CV format
Shape the look-and-feel of your CV with powerful design features
Generate your CV content with AI
Use AI to craft an impactful profile statement and work history
Visualize your career story
Take control over your CV style to create an unforgettable impression
Match & Compare your CV to Job Descriptions
Job-specific insights to tailor your CV to any role
CV Creator

Effortlessly Build and Refine Your CV

Simply upload an existing CV or import your LinkedIn profile to our AI-powered CV maker. Utilize our tool to select relevant work experiences and customize your CV effortlessly.
create and edit resumes
CV Effectiveness

Evaluate Your CV's Impact

Use Analysis Mode to quickly scan & score your CV for best practices and foundational issues. Get an immediate report with action items to strengthen/improve your CV quality.
analyze your resume
AI CV Writing

Personalize and Enhance with AI

Make your CV more compelling with AI-generated summaries, bullet points, and tailored content for each job application. Speed up the creation process and secure your dream job faster.
analyze your resume
CV Design

Professionally Designed, 
Visually Impactful CVs

Create visually stunning CV using Design Mode. Select from our template library and customize your CV style with our comprehensive selection of colors, fonts, icons, layouts, spacing/alignments, and design options. Take full creative freedom to create a professional, on-brand CV that garners attention.
resume ai features

A Better Way to Tailor Your CVs


Build a Base CV

Create your first CV effortlessly by uploading an existing version or by importing your LinkedIn profile.


Save & Match

Use the Chrome Extension to bookmark & save job postings to your Job Tracker, then match a specific job to your base CV.


Tailor & Apply

Review your personalized recommendations in Matching Mode to tailor your CV to align with the role's requirements.


Monitor & Follow Up

Update your job status to "Applied" and use our Email Templates to follow up and communicate with employers.

Job Matching

Optimize Your CV for any Job Description

Increase your CV's relevance by comparing it against desired job posts. Get insights into which keywords to incorporate and where formatting tweaks could improve your match rate.
create and edit resumes
Multiple CV Versions

Create, Duplicate, and Manage Unlimited CVs

Create multiple CV versions with our generator tool to cater to different job applications. Download your ATS-optimized CV and start applying immediately.
analyze your resume
Global Opportunities

Optimize Your CV for International Job Markets

Tailor your CV for different countries with specific templates and guidelines. Our AI-driven insights ensure your CV meets the standards for international job applications, making you a strong candidate globally.
resume ai features

Explore the CV Builder

Over 1,500 Samples to Inspire Your Next CV

Browse thousands of job-specific CVs to help with your creation process to differentiate yourself in upcoming applications.

What Job Seekers are Saying

What others think about building their CV with Teal
Just signed up for Teal+ and spent the last two hours exploring the benefits. Impressive! Here’s to Teal helping me land my next opportunity! 🙌
Shay Jasper
Project Manager
I used Teal for the first time this week and I'm honestly in awe. It's fundamentally changing the way I approach job searching.
Juarez Weiss
IT Project Management
Teal truly flips the script on job searching. It's like having a personal assistant for your career journey
Jean Mareynel Landicho
E-mail marketer

Need to level up your career even faster?

Upgrade to unlock Teal's premium features and turbocharge your job search.
  • Unlimited Resumes
  • Unlimited Resumes Templates
  • Unlimited Job Tracking
  • Top 5 Keywords
  • 1 Email Template Per job stage
  • Basic analysis in the resume builder
  • Basic Resume Keyword Matching
  • Everything in Teal Free
  • Unlimited Advanced Resume Analysis
  • Unlimited Resume Keyword Matching
  • Unlimited keywords (hard and soft skills) listed in the job tracker
  • Unlimited Email Templates
  • No ads across the entire platform
  • 24/7 Email Support
$9 / Week
Billed every week, month or 3 months

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CV Builder?

A CV maker is an online tool that helps you create, edit, and customize your CVs to enhance your workflow.. Our AI-powered CV maker simplifies the process with templates, real-time feedback & recommendations, AI-enhanced content creation, and more.

How is your CV Builder different from other platforms?

Our CV builder is unique from other providers in a few ways, including advanced generative AI capabilities to write compelling CV content tailored to each role you apply to. Our built-in analysis mode audits your CV across a variety of best practices, calculates an overall performance score, and provides guidance that you can act on right away. Additionally, you'll have the ability to match individual job descriptions to your CVs, and Design Mode offers customization options to give you great control over the overall presentation.

Is the CV Builder Free?

Yes, our CV builder  is free to use. You can create, customize, and export your CV at no cost. Certain features and capabilities are only available with a paid Teal+ plan.

Are the CV Templates ATS-Friendly?

Absolutely. All of our Resume and CV templates are designed for best practices and fully-compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems, ensuring your CV will ….. For initial screenings.

Can I create multiple versions of my CV?

Yes, you can create and save unlimited CVs with Teal. The platform is built to facilitate the process of customizing CVs for individual job applications, so you can easily duplicate existing CVs, then tailor them to expedite the process.

Can I download my CV for free after creating it?

Yes, you can download and export polished PDF versions of your CV an unlimited number of times for free. Our premium tier also integrates with major job boards to streamline applying to open roles.

Can I customize the order and visibility of my CV sections?

Most definitely. We have a vast library of attractive, field-tested CV templates to choose from, which are made to speed up your process, but with Design Mode you have full control over which sections are displayed, which order they are shown in, how your section-specific content is grouped, formatted, and much more.