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What Are Good Reasons to Hire Me?

February 26, 2025
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The main purpose of a job interview is to answer the question, why should we hire you? Throughout the interview process, you will have to answer this question in more than one form. In this article, we're going to break down a handful of good reasons that you should try to incorporate into your answer.

The bottom line is you need to prove to the hiring manager that you are the right job candidate for the role. Here are the top answers for the interview questions, why should we hire you that will help you do that.

Relevant work experience

One of the best ways to answer this interview question is to discuss your past work experience and how it's relevant to the position you are interviewing for. Hiring managers are looking for a person who has a background that matches the qualifications needed to take on the job. Most employers don't have a lot of time for training new employees, which can be a shortfall for a recent college graduate or someone looking to change industries.

Make sure you provide examples of that show you have the capabilities and skill set needed to do the job. Also, reference the job description in one or two of your examples--this shows that you did your homework.

Good at multi-tasking

One of the best skills for any job is being a good multi-tasker. Almost every job requires the ability to do more than one thing at a time. It's a great trait to bring up during an interview since it's not something the interviewer can read on your resume.

Provide a few examples of past projects and experiences that have required you to multi-task. Show your expertise by how you have handled multiple responsibilities at one time.

Strong interpersonal skills

The ability to work well with others is one of the skills almost every job requires. It ties communication skills in with people skills.

Every company you work at will have difficult clients, customers, or coworkers at times that you will have to manage or at least tolerate. Showing you understand the importance of customer satisfaction and upholding positive relationships in the office will leave a good impression on the hiring manager.

Positive online presence

Every company uses social media in some way. A job candidate should expect the company to search your online footprint before their interview. Websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all fair game when interviewers are trying to research candidates.

Before you begin your job interviews make sure you are happy with the results that come up when you search for yourself. Potential employers do not want to see you too much about your personal life. A few suggestions when it comes to your social media accounts:

  • Check what information is public
  • Your professional online profile should match your resume
  • Keep accomplishments and awards public
  • List your education level and internships if newer to the workforce
  • Link to published work or projects you are proud of


Every employer is looking for a team player that has potential longevity. Interviewing takes a huge amount of time away from important tasks and puts additional pressure on the rest of the organization. The hiring manager does not want a job candidate that will be looking for their next job in a year.

They want a person who is interested in growth opportunities at the company. Let the person conducting the interview know you are not looking to jump from job to job but are looking for the chance to grow your career. If you spent a short amount of time at a past job, be prepared to speak on why you left.

Strong work ethic

Every business wants employees that have a passion for their work. Companies are not interested in candidates that are simply looking for a paycheck. During your job interview, give an explanation that provides context to your strong work ethic.

Show that you take pride in your work and that any project you take on is done to the best of your ability. Your determination to meet and exceed goals is what the interviewer wants to hear about.

Good cultural fit

Besides just having the skills, qualities, and requirements listed on the job posting, the hiring manager wants to know if you would be a good fit in their work environment. Anyone can have the attributes for a job listed on their resume, but will they fit in with the team and other people throughout the organization?

During your job interview, demonstrate to the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. The bottom line is, not only do you have to have the skills, but your personality needs to mesh well.

What are the reasons you should be hired?

Your interview is a sales pitch to prove you are the perfect job candidate. You should have the skillset, confidence, and enthusiasm to get the job done. Take time to prepare your selling points and thoughts that you want to draw attention to in your interview.

Interviews are competitive and nerve-wracking for job seekers, but if you did all of the above to prepare, you are ready. If you need more help, read our article Why Should We Hire You For This Position?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I identify my unique strengths to share as reasons to hire me?

What are some examples of "genuine and specific reasons" to be hired that I can mention in an interview?

How do I communicate cogent reasons for employment without sounding boastful?

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Dave Fano

Dave Fano

David Fano is a hiring expert and career strategist with 20+ years of experience building and scaling high-performing teams. Over his career, he’s hired more than 4,000 people and reviewed hundreds of thousands of resumes—giving him firsthand insight into how hiring decisions are made.   Dave has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, NPR, and NBC News, sharing his expertise on hiring, job applications, and career strategy. He’s seen how the traditional career ladder is full of outdated rules—while companies have access to better tools and data than the people they hire. As the Founder & CEO of Teal, Dave is out to change that. He’s leveraging technology to give professionals the same advantages companies have—helping them build stronger resumes, position themselves for better opportunities, and take control of their careers with confidence. You can connect with Dave on LinkedIn, where he shares insights on resumes, job applications, today’s job market, and his favorite topic: career growth on your terms.

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